Monday, February 24, 2020

David Hume Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

David Hume - Essay Example David argues that experience can never lead to knowledge. He asserts that some vital beliefs about our world can never be justified either by experience or by reason. For Hume, people assume that experience tells them something regarding the world because of the habit or custom that human nature forces them to take seriously. However, he believed that humans do have knowledge only of the things they directly experience. Hume reveals that experience never tell us much. Considering event A and B, we assert that A causes B whenever the two occur together, implying they are constantly conjoined. Whenever we obtain A, we also obtain B, and we are certain that this conjunction will carry on. Once people realize that â€Å"A should bring about B† is equivalent simply to â€Å"Due to their stable conjunction, people are psychologically sure that B will go after A†, then they are left with an extremely weak idea of necessity. This weak grasp on the causal efficacy assists give rise to problem of Induction; people are not logically justified in drawing any inductive inference regarding the world. Amid Hume scholars it`s a subject of debate how sincerely Hume wants us to take up this conclusion and also whether causation comprises wholly in constant conjunction. Another theory of David’s influential causal arguments is the problem of induction. This is a skeptical argument which utilizes David’s insights regarding experience limiting individuals` causal knowledge to the constant conjunction (Cahalan 52). Though David offers a quick version of this principle in the center of his discussion of the causation in Treatise (T 1.3.6), it`s illustrated out more clearly inside Section IV of Enquiry. A prominent argument, its skeptical conclusions have caused a drastic effect on the epistemology field. However, it`s worth noting that not

Friday, February 7, 2020

Marketing. Performance evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Marketing. Performance evaluation - Essay Example It would not be correct, if we only hold the employee responsible or if we hold solely the employee responsible for this immorality. An employee involves himself in such act because there is not adequate check on him, which is the responsibility of the company. However, the primary fault is that of the person himself. It is the immorality of the individual that actually works on promoting such unethical practices at company time. Hence, the person responsible for the act is to be held responsible; however, the boost to these activities given by company environment is also to be considered. Discussion Question 2: Please discuss your views of performance expectations or performance appraisals and how they accurately or not evaluate your performance Do you feel the annual evaluation you have each year accurately reflects your performance on the job What are some ethical implications related to performance evaluations Performance evaluation is said to be a yardstick for measurement and decision of whether an employee has performed according to expectations or not and if yes, how good has been the performance. Performance evaluation techniques have a structured approach followed by discussion to have a conclusion of the employee's performance. An employee is allowed to present his case through self evaluation but the final judgment is that of the boss. The annual frequency of this tool is for ease and convenience. However, there are times when the employee has been a great performer throughout the year, and just when the evaluation time is near, due to some reason the performance has slipped. In such cases, performance evaluation results do not go in the favor of employee in spite of quality and hard work all the year round. This makes performance evaluation a subjective tool to a great extent. So, better frequency can remove this drawback rather than having an annual appraisal. Ethically, it is the employee's responsibility to do a realistic and correct self appraisal and even the boss is morally bound to give the deserved rating. But, in actual scenario, the case does not match ideal needs. The employee does try to inflate and show his performance and aims at maximum rating in spite of whatever the performance is. Exceptions are always there. Also, the boss tries to have personal bias while evaluating. Hence, the ethical sense of the tool gets lost. Summary: The course on critical thinking and ethics offers a pathway to integrate the views on ethics in the professional as well as personal life. It has an impact on the thought process and helps getting a realistic view of things around us and facilitates evaluation of professional and personal development in the light of ethical standings. It also enables to let us apply theoretical topics and discussions for decision making and for assessment of skill sets and talent. The above two discussion questions give a food for thought for the immorality and morality debate at work place. It helps in analysis of the actual scenario versus the expected scenario. The collaborative effort of the course with a structured approach and discussion based topics of real life stimulate the